Chants 1st Regiment

Behaviors around chants
We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of us about expectations and acceptable behaviors by all to ensure we continue to help build better local communities through inclusive, fun, sustainable and exciting live events and matchday festivals.

We feel very fortunate to have such an incredible, passionate fan base which has already shown so much love and enthusiasm for the team at the beginning of what is sure to be a very long and prosperous journey. Let’s Ride!

We are also very fortunate to live in New England, a diverse and thriving region rich in sports history, which we are all proud to embrace and represent. Couple this with the values and experiences found in rugby–camaraderie, respect, inclusivity, teamwork, grit, and excitement—we share a once in a lifetime opportunity to grow the game and bring the Free Jacks experiences to so many more.

As such, we expect that fans, staff, and players will be respectful in their behavior (including chants, language, and conduct) and will comply with all safety standards.

Offensive chants / songs, foul language, and aggressive or violent behavior will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly.

Please be advised that if you are found to be participating in any of these behaviors, you are subject to removal. If you are near fans using offensive language, please advise stadium security or team staff immediately.

The song list below is provided courtesy of the 1st Regiment, an official independent supporters group of the New England Free Jacks. If you would like to join in on 1st Regiment song practices please reach out directly to Kenny Thomson at

Wheels On the Bus
The fans in the stand go HU HU Zah, hu hu zah
hu hu zah.
The fans in the stand go hu hu zah
The BUS scores a try…
Country Road
Take me home Country Road, to the place where I belong.
To Fort Quincy, see our Free Jacks.
Take me home see the Shield.
Everywhere We Go (Short Version)
Everywhere we go.
People want to know.
Who we are.
And where do we come from.
We are the Free Jacks.
The mighty, mighty Free Jacks.
And if they can’t hear us
We’ll shout a little louder.
Oh ho oh ho, here we go
Free Jacks, Free Jacks, Free Jacks.
TMO (YMCA) (we do the letters with our arms as in the YMCA dance)
T..M..O.. T..M..O..
He will look and see, on his big TV,
If you got it right or wrong
T..M..O.. T..M..O..
Marching In
Oh, when the Jacks
Go Marching in
Oh, when the Jacks go marching in
I want to be in that number, when the Jacks go marching in.
He’s our coach, he’s, our coach.
Mathie, Mathie Math hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey Jude
Na na na, nana, na na nana, na na Free Jacks
We are Free Jacks, we are Free Jacks, we are Free Jacks we are Free Jacks.
Bonus Point
Frontline wants a bonus point, Frontline wants a bonus point, Frontline wants a bonus point.
8. Lights (sung on 23rd minute or as close as gameplay allows, we won the shield in 23)
In the Windy City,
The fans came in their thousands.
See our boys become,
Champions of MLR
Who’s that team we call the Free Jacks.
Who’s that team we all adore.
They’re in red, the blue and white.
They will fight with all their might.
And we’re going to show Seattle how we score (substitute the name Seattle for whoever we are playing).
Come all without
Come all within
You ain’t seen nothing like our Free Jack team
John Payne
That’s the way Huzzah Huzzah we like it Huzzah Huzzah
That’s the way Huzzah Huzzah we like it.
Oh come all ye Free Jacks
Come to Fort Quincy
See how our boys , score trys for fun

Oh come all you Free Jacks (quietly)
Oh come all you Free Jacks (little louder)
Oh come all you Free Jacks, come to the FORT (really loud)