What is a Free Jack?

What is a free jack, you say?

Two words: Free. Jack.[1] – Free Jack.

free /frē/ adjective

  1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.
  2. subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government.

jack /jak/ noun

  1. an everyday person.
  2. one who does odd or heavy jobs; a laborer.
  3. a sailor.
  4. a flag, especially a small flag flown at the bow of a ship indicating the ship’s nationality.

free jack /frē jak/

  1. a dissident.
  2. an everyday person who labors for the common good.
  3. the flag of a free ship. Free (of the Union) Jack.

[1] Not “freejack”.

What is a Free Jack?

A symbol of revolution, defiance, liberty, a Free Jack paves the path ahead with the power to forge one’s own destiny through honest work, curiosity, and conviction. Done consistently over time, this creates authenticity about who you really are—the sum of your words and actions. When you do this in pursuit of the common good you are a Free Jack.

A Free Jack is an empowered individual who strives for greatness, yet also unites a common people under an unbreakable bond, forming steadfast communities that fight together and in tandem for the common good.

Historically, Free Jacks refers to the freedom proudly earned from the UK’s Union Jack through the grueling American Revolutionary War fought between 1775 and 1783. Such as the pride of the Free Jacks is rooted across the history of the land sunken deep within New England soil, there exists a Free Jack buried deep within each of us eager to shine a light on the challenging road ahead.

What is a freejack? A freejack is an empowered individual who strives for greatness, yet also unites a common poeple under an unbreakable bond. Freejacks pave the path ahead with the power to forge one’s own destiny. What is a freejack?