New England Free Jacks Mystery Grab Bag Raffle – Terms and Conditions


  1. Purchase Required: A purchase is necessary to participate in the Mystery Grab Bag raffle for a chance to receive signed player merchandise.
  2. Final Sale: All sales of Mystery Grab Bags are final. No refunds or exchanges will be allowed.
  3. Random Distribution of Signed Items: A total of 7 signed items will be randomly distributed among the Mystery Grab Bags.
  4. Grab Bag Pricing: Mystery Grab Bags are available at different price points: $35, $49, $75, and $99.
  5. Random Assignment of Signed Merchandise: Signed Merchandise Items will be randomly placed in the Mystery Grab Bags, and their inclusion is not guaranteed in every bag.
  6. Retail Value: Each Mystery Grab Bag will contain merchandise with a retail value at least double the price paid.
  7. No Guarantee of Products and Sizing: There is no guarantee regarding the type of merchandise or size within each Mystery Grab Bag.
  8. Discontinued and Specialty Items: Grab bags may include discontinued or specialty merchandise from previous seasons.
  9. Raffle Period: The Mystery Grab Bag raffle will begin on October 23rd, 2024, at 12:00 PM ET, and will end once the last grab bag is sold, or on October 30th, 2024, at 12:00 PM ET, whichever comes first.
  10. Participation: To participate in the raffle, purchasers must buy a Mystery Grab Bag of any value.
  11. No Responsibility for Availability: The Free Jacks are not responsible for selling out or limited availability of the Mystery Grab Bags, nor for the outcome of the raffle.
  12. Random Selection of Winners: Winners of signed player merchandise will be chosen through a randomized selection process.
  13. Multiple Entries: Customers may purchase more than one Mystery Grab Bag to increase their chances of receiving signed merchandise.
  14. Mail & Delivery: The Free Jacks are not responsible for any mail, delivery or shipping issues that may occur. 


  1. Eligibility: The contest is open to individuals 18 years of age or older, who reside in the United States.
  2. Ineligible Participants: Free Jacks licensees, corporate parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising agencies, participating sponsors/promotional partners, and immediate family members of these entities are ineligible to participate or win.


  1. Signed Merchandise: Prizes may include, but are not limited to, a tee shirt signed by New England Free Jacks player Kyle Ciquera, with a retail value of $35.
  2. No Substitution of Prizes: There is no substitution, transfer, or cash equivalent for prizes, except that the Free Jacks may, at their discretion, substitute a prize of equal or greater value. Prizes do not include taxes, gratuities, or any other expenses unless otherwise specified.
  3. Notification of Winners: Winners will not be notified, their prizes will arrive within their Mystery Grab Bag


  1. Random Selection: Winners will be chosen at random using established selection protocols.


  1. Tax Responsibility: Winners are solely responsible for any federal, state, and local taxes. Winners may be required to submit an IRS Form W-9 or equivalent.
  2. Disqualification Rights: The Free Jacks reserve the right to disqualify any individual found tampering with the entry process, the Free Jacks’ website, or in violation of the raffle rules.
  3. Contest Modifications: The Free Jacks may cancel, terminate, or modify the raffle if unforeseen technical issues or other factors make it unfeasible to continue as planned.
  4. Rule Changes: The Free Jacks reserve the right to make changes to the raffle rules, including substituting prizes of equivalent value, at their discretion.
  5. Event Changes: If any event related to the raffle is delayed, rescheduled, postponed, or canceled due to circumstances beyond the Free Jacks’ control, the Free Jacks are not obligated to offer substitute prizes.
  6. Compliance: Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in disqualification.
  7. Errors: The Free Jacks are not responsible for typographical errors or inaccuracies in the administration of the raffle or prize announcements.
  8. Limitations: Free Jacks are not responsible for technical failures, cancellations, or other unforeseen circumstances that may disrupt the raffle. 
  9. Availability: Copies of these terms and conditions are available online at the Free Jacks’ website.